Thursday, March 5, 2009

You Decide 2009: Who's the Boss?

Nicolaysen & Co. is in turmoil as corporate infighting rages over who deserves the title, "The Boss." There can be only one, and all I know is, in the immortal words of Bob Dylan, "It aint me, babe." Following the "girls rule, boys drool" guidelines, the candidates for "The Boss" have been narrowed easily to the two leading contenders: Kendra, the Chief Financial Officer, and Katelyn, Her Majesty. Hit the poll on the right to help us decide which of these two boss Stephen and Preston around the most.

Katelyn's Claim to the Title: As an only daughter and self-appointed princess, Katelyn makes a strong case for the supreme spot in Nicolaysen & Co. Her sense of entitlement and destiny is rivalled only by Obama's, and while she's nowhere near as articulate as he, she spits gibberish and will tell you what you want to hear so fast, you'll have to look twice to tell the difference between the two.

Stephen's Take on Katelyn's Claim: You don't have to look far to see instances of Katelyn flexing her muscles and exerting her control over Nicolaysen and Co. It's only been just recently that she's been willing to go to sleep without me laying beside her, and she still asks for it in that sweet, sweet whimper of a plea. Then, when she's feeling less kind, it's not uncommon for me to bark like a dog and wag my tail in a desperate attempt for some type of positive recognition from Her Majesty. This is to what I've been reduced. Other times, when she's had about all she can handle from me trying to put her to bed, she snaps at me with her annoyed sneer, "Go play your game, Dad." Really, it's humiliating.

Kendra's Claim to the Title: As the founding female member of Nicolaysen & Co., Kendra's claim is obvious. She's had more practice running things than Katelyn, and she represents an orderly, domineering approach to business with a ruthless fixation on saving that has seen our Company through some tough times. Ultimately, she is the Great Decider, and while Katelyn's power play is enthusiastic, Kendra seems to exude that je ne sais quoi that embodies "The Boss."

Stephen's Take on Kendra's Claim: The simple fact that I've seen such chick flick "greats" as Charlie, The Notebook, Pillow Talk, Lover Come Back and other Doris Day greats should speak for itself. No man should know as much about Doris Day and Rock Hudson as I do. Couple that with the fact that I'm twenty-four years old with two kids and it becomes pretty clear who reports to whom.


Amberly said...

kendra wins, hands down. i'm sure the occasional indulgence is in order for katelyn's sake, but mama's gotta hold the title!

JoAnn said...

i have seen katelyn in action and there is no doubt in my mind that she is the uncontested boss of nicolaysen and co. btw, good luck with that!

Tawsha said...

Definatley Katelyn! She is such a cutie and makes me laugh. I love when she takes her clothes off during sacrament, she cracks me up. We need to get togather and make those cute dolls that you posted on the ward website. I really want to make one.

Lindsay Henderson said...

Hello hello! I love your hair in the last picture, and your family is super cute! Anyways have a wonderful day talk to ya later!

Croslands said...

Who's kidding who here, it's totally Katelyn.

Rendi said...

Oh my word- this has to be the cutest post I have seen! If you must have a vote, I guess I will go with Kendra, because as so well stated by Amberly, mom must be in charge!