Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Yesterday Katelyn told me she was going to die and I got a little sad. Tonight while I was putting her to bed she told me she was going to die and I cried my eyes out. She was saying that she was going to die and she was going to be all sparkly and it's okay because she would still be Katelyn. She even mentioned that she would still have long blonde hair. Is that not scary? I love that little girl so much and I cannot even imagine my life without her in it. She is so beautiful and intelligent. She has such a strong will and personality, she talks all day long, sometimes she drives me crazy, but she is mine and I love her with all my heart. So Katelyn, please don't die. I am going to dry my tears now and try to enjoy the evening with my hubby without my hormones getting in the way. :)


Cammy Patton said...

Don't you hate when kids says creepy things like that? It's like - are they just being silly or do they know something I don't know? You are a great little mother! Hormones are a pain!!

D'Neill said...

Kids always say the craziest things! You are obviously doing a great job teaching her about Jesus!

Krista Hegstrom said...

How sad is that! Tell Katelyn that she can't die, because she still needs to see my house (since she kept asking to see it)! that might work! :)