Monday, December 26, 2011

Holden Porter...

Holden Porter Nicolaysen
Born December 24th at 1:20 am
8 lbs 10 oz, 20" long
Ultimate date night, right?! Complete with long walks down the halls, jacuzzi baths specializing in nipple stimulation, a fierce game of Phase Ten, and to finish out the evening, jello shots.

Ah, our completed cute little family! Katelyn's 5, Preston's 3, and Holden is 1 day old here.Bonding time with my new little man. Don't let the lipstick and pearls fool you, I looked great there, look like hell here.


Kacey said...

LUCKY!!!! I am 9 days over!! He is so cute and chubby! Congrats guys!

Mallory said...

Congrats Kendra!! He's perfect. :)

Stacey said...

What a great Christmas present! You look great Kendra - I can never take a good hospital picture. Congratulations.

Cammy Patton said...

Congratulations! I swear you weren't due for like a month... that went by so fast. You both look great! and I love his name.

Angela said...

Congratulations! What a perfect little baby. And what a Christmas!!! I am wondering how you did Christmas morning at the hospital?

Katie and Paul said...

Congrats! He is so cute and love his name! You look amazing!

The Nielsons said...

What an adorable little guy! Best wishes!

Meechelee said...

Congratulations!!! What a beautiful family you guys! I am so excited to see what a wonderful Christmas present you received. Kendra you look fabulous you do pregnancy and childbirth so beautifully!

Croslands said...

Congratulations!! He looks beautiful. You two sure make adorable babies. I hope you are feeling well. You must be a supermom to endure all that through the Christmas season. We're happy for you guys.