Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Fellowship of the Spiderkiller

Story behind the "Spiderkiller":

Katelyn discovered a spider and pointed him out to Stephen. So as you can see in the video, they decided to squish it, only Katelyn changed her mind and then changed her mind again. The next day Mommy found a spider in the tub and undid all the roughing up that Stephen did. I screamed so much in midst of squishing it that Katelyn was in tears when I finished. Ha ha.


San Tan Stake Eagle Specialist said...

So cute. Spoken like a true 3 year old. I, personally, do not like spiders. My mantra is, "The only good spider is a dead spider". Way to go, Stephen. I would have used a shoe....

Rendi said...

I would have used a shoe also! Send Spiderkiller next door so she can do her magic on our house. I really have to spray this year...

Cammy Patton said...

Oh too funny! Her little personality cracks me up!