Friday, January 22, 2010

Ah Katelyn

A couple of mornings ago Katelyn woke up and in a teary voice asked me, "Do you remember yesterday when the Daddy got killed by a pirate?" The night before Stephen and Katelyn played Risk together, I asked her if she was talking about the game or if she had a bad dream. She replied it was in a dream and it was really scary. For the last 3 days if you get in the vicinity of Katelyn she will tell you about her dream where, "Her daddy named Stephen was killed by a pirate." And then she decided to add onto the story by saying that Myself, Katelyn and Preston killed the pirate after he killed Stephen. I don't know where her obsession with killing comes from but I hope its a phase that ends quickly.

I have been working with Katelyn on chores because I don't want it to be an issue when she gets older and has to do them. Whenever she is done eating she puts her dishes in the sink. I have been having her put her clothes away after I fold them and I give her a coin right after she accomplishes the task. Well the last time we did it she chose her coin (I have a bag full of coins) and originally she chose 2 quarters. Well then she decided to switch them and get 2 pennies. Sweet! I love this age where you can get them to do things for practically nothing. She asked me if I was getting coins for doing laundry too. I replied yes, she asked me where my bank was and I said that I didn't have one. So the sweet little thang went into her room and got her pink piggy bank full of money and gave it to me so I could have one too. Don't worry, I am not going to keep it. I tried to give it back and she was offended, so I will give it a couple of days.

Katelyn has been such a sweet girl and is understanding that throwing fits doesn't work. She is so stinking smart and I love being her mother.


Amy Michelle said...

Argh Matey!

Amberly said...

so darling! we are working on chores too, you are smart to start early! will you send me your mailing address please??

The Nielsons said...

You are a smart woman...sounds like Katelyn got her smarts and attitude from you :)