Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Out of the mouth of babes

Katelyn has been quite the back seat driver. She tells me when we are going too fast, too slow, points out stop signs and anything else she can think of to help. When being prodded to go faster I explained to her that if I go too fast the police officer will pull us over and give me a ticket, which means I will have to pay him money. I know this is a lot of information to give a 3 year old but when she constantly asks why after every statement you make, she gets a lot of information.
So she was saying how if the police officer pulls us over and is mean to me that she will kill him. Yikes. I said, "No, we don't kill people. If he pulls us over we will say, thank you for giving us a ticket and we will not speed anymore." Katelyn starts grinning and says, "Okay, let's do that tomorrow!" Yesterday she was being very good at noticing when I only had one hand on the wheel and would frantically say, "Two hands mom! We're going to crash!!"

Yesterday she was noticing how beautiful the clouds were and she said, "Oh look at the sun shinning over there! Is Jesus coming down? I really want to see him!" I replied that he probably wouldn't come down until she was an old lady. "Oh like you mom?" I always tell people that I feel like I am 40 (even though tomorrow I will be 25!!) Now do you get it?

On another note we have been having some contention in our home with our little sassy molassy not minding or listening. It appears as though she likes it when we yell. We don't. We've been trying a little experiment to bring peace into our home. We are reading scriptures. It's been promised that it will bring peace and even though we've only been doing it less than a week...it's working and it's wonderful! Who would have thought?! :)


Stephen said...

Katelyn's been back seat driving? I wonder where she's been learning that?

Cammy Patton said...

I think our children were spirit best friends in heaven. Same spunky personalities. Isn't is amazing the difference scripture reading can make? I can always tell when we've fallen behind...life is a bit more chaotic.
Funny stories - I still have a smile on my face.

Rendi said...

I don't think that husbands get to comment on blogs...do you agree Kendra???!!!
I love watching you chasing your children down the street! I'll try not to let them see me laugh...it might only encourage them and make you angry!