Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Weekend

On Friday I went to the mall with my good friend Tara from high school. I had no idea the Easter Bunny comes to visit, the kids really enjoyed themselves and I had a good time too. This picture cracks me up because in reality the bunny is waiving, but it looks like he is shooing Preston away.
Katelyn was with me when I purchased everything that went in her Easter basket. But she still thinks it came from the Easter bunny which is fantastic, I know this won't last. The kids got a few pieces of candy, new tooth brushes, and Katelyn received "Princess and the Frog" I love that movie!!
We have had 2 FHE's about the real meaning of Easter. The first one had pictures and stories from the Gospel picture kit and a booklet to color. Then the next one, the night before Easter we had her watch a clip of the resurrection. She was so distraught that people would do that to Jesus. She was almost in tears with sympathy for him. That made me feel like we are doing something right. Then later I heard her tell her cousin Jayla, "Did you know a long time ago Jesus died on the cross. But he's alive now!!" Kids are the greatest.
I did watch Conference on Sunday morning and I did enjoy the talks. I have felt a lot of pressure (put on myself) about being the foundation for my children's' testimonies. I feel like I didn't really have a strong base, got married when I was 19, and now I am the base. It is intimidating at times. I hope that I can raise my children in love and righteousness and with a love for mankind. I also hope that they appreciate me when they get older. I want them to remember the good times. I am trying so hard to be a good mother.
We went to my Dad's house for a wonderful Easter dinner and Easter egg hunt. We had a fabulous time. I forgot my camera, sorry. On the way home Katelyn started complaining that her stomach hurt. Fast forward 30 minutes, Katelyn is in bed and I am reading her book. She sits up and starts puking everywhere. We changed her bedding, gave her a bath, and then an hour later we did all of it again. Yesterday all my laundry was done, then suddenly I had 4 loads to do. Well I got them all folded and put away! I also vacuumed, swept and mopped all my floors, cleaned the bathrooms, and did the dishes. I keep up on my chores so to do all of these things, it doesn't take long. I also gave the kids a bath. All of this before 10:30 am, I am exhausted now. I am grateful that Katelyn feels better now, she is in good spirits. Preston is napping and I think I might join him on the couch for 20 minutes. Take care.

1 comment:

Amy Michelle said...

I think you are AWESOME!!!!! Just sayin!