Thursday, July 23, 2009

And the Mother of the Year award goes to....

Da da da da...Kendra Nicolaysen!! Way to go on making sure that the tray and floor were clean instead of insuring that the tray was securely on. I pretty much hate myself right now.


Amberly said...

hey, at least they were clean... he could have landed in a gross mess! it's a bummer, but it happens in some form to all of us. poor little guy won't ever remember.

Patty said...

You must have a doctor appointment soon. That's what happens around here. They get so banged up without a bruise to show for it, then two days before the doctor, everything makes huge bruises.

Leslie said...

Tralee fell out of a shopping cart once, if that makes you feel any better. I hated myself for a couple days after that one. The good news is, they still love you.