Thursday, July 2, 2009

Milestones with Preston

Today we FINALLY caught on video another milestone for Preston. Katelyn's sure that he's been talking to her in full sentences all along (and he's been babbling "da-da" nonsensically for months), though the video below is the definitive proof we were waiting for to make it official: not only can Preston say "da-da", he's speaking in full sentences at 8 months. At several points throughout the video, while Katelyn tries to convince him to say "Katelyn" instead of "dad", you can clearly hear him speaking at different times in English, French and Castilian Spanish. While the word "da-da" is obvious, I won't bother transcribing the rest of his sentence since it's laced with profanity. (While shooting the video I was actually blocking his view of Baby Einstein to get the lighting right. He's clearly not happy.) We're still waiting anxiously for him to crawl, though we've decided we'll settle for immobile child prodigy over moronic jock. Oprah has yet to return our calls.


D'Neill said...

You are so hilarious! I love reading your posts, you have a great gift of writing :)

Anna Beal said...

I was reading your post about "best friends". I'm with you. I have felt that way so many times. I concluded that I would have to make my husband fill that position and its been nice. I may not be very good at it but you can call me anytime to chat, or even stop by :)